Statistics Consulting

We Love the Statistics You Hate


Our statistics and research consulting services are designed to help individuals with thesis and dissertation work, journal publications, survey analysis, or statistics assignments. Presentation of results are provided in an APA-formatted, executive summary report complete with data cleaning analysis and production of tables or charts as appropriate.

Already have your data? No problem, we welcome the opportunity to get started on your project right away.

The research questions & hypotheses will dictate the specific statistical analysis, and we can conduct any statistical testing required, including:

  • Frequency reporting and cross-tabulation
  • Hypothesis testing including t-tests, Chi-square, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Reliability analysis
  • Correlation and regression analysis
  • Discriminate analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Logistic regression
  • Path analysis
  • Model building
  • many more!

Research Methodology Consulting

This service includes research question formation, hypothesis generation, and sample size analysis. We will review your survey before implementation to ensure questions and response anchors are asked in the most effective, concise manner. Often times surveys contain too many questions or ineffective response anchor options. Consult with us first!

Special consideration should be given to how a survey is set up through survey servicing companies such as SurveyMonkey. We can host your survey for you if you do not have an account with a survey company.

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